Monday, April 13, 2015

Murray State College

Fun day in Tishomingo with the band 'OVERDRIVE' and Clancy Davis!  Of course we had to start out at The Pink Pistol for a little shopping.  That place is adorable!

The concert was a fund raiser for the Senior Center their in Tishomingo.  The last text I got from Clancy he said we had raised $13,940 for those folks.  These proceeds came from the ticket sales along with auction items that were bought.

Before heading home we had to take a pic with our favorite guitar player Kenny Anderson!  The girls love him...  He gave us the run down on a new product we are going to try.  Great Value's Hazelnut Spread!  He swears it is better than_____.  (You can fill in that blank with whatever you want. LOL)!  I haven't bought any of the stuff yet but plan to check it out.

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