Monday, September 1, 2014

Sunday Mornin' in T Town!

I looked up an old acquaintance/friend of mine last week after 30 years since I had seen him.  It wasn't amazing that I found him, after all he is a well known singer/composer/pianist.  What was amazing is that he was in Tulsa Oklahoma that very weekend at a church I was very familiar with.   I immediately decided to go hear him in concert that Sunday morn.

Ken Medema has been blind since birth but not having sight has only enhanced every other one of his senses.  When I met Ken, in the late 70's or early 80's we were on The Oklahoma Evangelism Conference program together.  He sang his then famous song 'MOSES'.  He was unbelievable!  I remember him coming to my church as well.  His concert was so moving...from laughter to tears, his music made you look deep inside yourself. 

My favorite thing he used to do was ask for the last 4 digits of you phone number, and on the spot he would make a beautiful song out of the four notes.  He would always warn us if the numbers were all the same ie: 4444 or 2222, it would be a Rock & Roll number!

When I read his web page the other night I noticed he had Podcast.  I started listening.  It was hard to turn them off and get to bed.  He now asked for your 'story'.  Maybe a hard time in your life.  A joyful time in your life when you met your mate.  Whatever 'your story' as soon as you share it with him he immediately sings it back to you.  Your story, in a beautiful song.  What a GOD given talent this man has.  I hope everyone reading this will Google my friend Ken Medema.  And check his schedulte...I hope he will be coming to my church again someday very very soon.

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